Maintain the health of your smile with our thorough dental examinations in Swansea.
Regular dental examinations are extremely important, and most people will need to visit Swansea Dental Practice every six months. During an examination we will:
- Visually examine your teeth.
- Take detailed measurements of your gums using a periodontal probe. This enables us to detect any gum pockets around your teeth which could indicate gum disease.
- Assess your oral hygiene, and if required provide oral hygiene instruction to help improve brushing and flossing techniques.
- Visually examine the inside of your mouth; we use an Identafi® laser light to help detect any abnormalities such as oral diseases and cancer.
- Examine your lymph nodes and neck area for any lumps or growths.
- Examine your jaw joints and assess the way your teeth bite together, as irregularities can lead to jaw and facial pain.
We need to take digital x-rays at regular intervals, usually every couple of years or so, or to help identify particular problems, for example if you have an infected or abscessed tooth. Saliva biochemical testing is a service for assessing your risk of tooth decay, and we can provide customised dietary analysis and advice to help reduce the risk of cavities.